
Saturday, February 29, 2020

php tutorial, How to declare variables in php 7 ?

Lest continue our lesson so you can quickly learn php 7

before declare variable you take care that PHP is case sensitive  

php script is always written between that line and file extension is .php  <?php  ?>
If you print hello world ,Lets write simple addition program and run it 


echo "hello world";

Now save it to c:/wamp/www/demo (crate new folder) / and save it as  index.php , index.php file is magic file which not display in url mostly this file use in home page 

Now go to browser and type 

php variable 

variable name start with "$"( dollar sign) and note that first corrector is should not number
For example

  •  $2name that is wrong
Right example is 
  • $name 
php automatic detect data types of variable 
for example integer
$number= 20; 
for example float
$average= 20.4; 

Note that at last you need to add ;( semicolon )

Lets add to value 

$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 10;
$answer = $number1 + $number2;
echo "anser is - " . $answer;

Note : If you want to add two value then you need . operator which combine to or more line

ok friend can practice of this chapter , in next lesson we will new things, we will learn in short time thank you      

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