Here is php tutorial about how to use string function in php, now lets start our tutorial
substr( ) : return sub string of main string
$string = "hello world how are you";
echo substr($string, 5, 6 );
result : world
strlen() : return length of string
$string = "hello world how are you";
echo strlen($string);
result : 23
echo() : print message
echo "hello world";
substr( ) : return sub string of main string
$string = "hello world how are you";
echo substr($string, 5, 6 );
result : world
strlen() : return length of string
$string = "hello world how are you";
echo strlen($string);
result : 23
echo() : print message
echo "hello world";
result : hello world
strpos() : return perticuler word position in string
$string = "hello world how are you";
echo strpos($string,'are',3);
result : 16
implode() : convert array to string, It will very usefull
$name = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
$string = implode('-', $name);
echo $string;
result : a-b-c-d
explode() : convert string to array, it break string to specific delimiter
$string = "hello world how are you";
$result = explode(" ",$string);
result : Array ( [0] => hello [1] => world [2] => how [3] => are [4] => you )
print_r() : print array
above example
str_replace() : It find word and replace it by specific string
$string = "hello world , how are you";
$search = "world";
$replace = "jhon";
echo str_replace ( $search, $replace, $string );
result : hello jhon , how are you
strtolower() : convert string to lower case
echo strtolower($string );
result : hello world, how are you
strtoupper() : convert lower string to upper case
$string = "hello world, how are you";
echo strtoupper($string );
str_repeat() : repeat the string
$string = "hello world, how are you";
echo str_repeat($string,3);
result : hello world, how are youhello world, how are youhello world, how are you
str_pad() : hide some character, use full like in check, bank account number
echo "account nu is :";
echo str_pad('5689296', 20, '#');
result : account nu is :5689296#############
trim() ltrim(), rtrim() : It remove white spaces and unwanted string from both side of string
$string = 'hello world how are you hello';
$trimstring = trim($string, 'hello');
echo $trimstring;
result : world how are you
$string = 'hello world how are you hello';
$trimstring = rtrim($string, 'hello');
echo $trimstring;
result : hello world how are you
$string = 'hello world how are you hello';
$trimstring = ltrim($string, 'hello');
echo $trimstring;
result : world how are you hello
str_split() : convert string to array
$string = 'HELLO';
$result = str_split($string);
result : Array ( [0] => H [1] => E [2] => L [3] => L [4] => O )
md5() , sha1(): useful when you want to encrypt string
$string = 'HELLO';
echo 'md5:==' . md5($string). '<br>';
echo 'sha1:==' . sha1($string).'<br>';
result :
base64_encode(), base64_decode : it will useful when you want to pass parameter in url with encrypt and dycrypt
$string = 'HELLO';
$id = base64_encode($string);
echo "encrypt --". $id;
echo "dycrypt --" . base64_decode($id );
result : encrypt --SEVMTE8=dcrypipt --HELLO
strip_tags() : function strips a string from HTML tags.
$stringwithtag = '<h2>hello world<p>how are you</p><small>this is small text</small></h2>';
$withouttag = strip_tags($stringwithtag);
echo $withouttag;
echo 'with tag' . $stringwithtag ;
result :
hello worldhow are youthis is small textwith tag
hello worldhow are you
hello worldhow are you
this is small text
strcmp() definition: function compares two strings.
echo strcmp("jhon", "jhon");
result : 0 means true
strrev() : print string in reverse order
echo strrev("hello world");
result : dlrow olleh
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