
Sunday, February 2, 2020

What is PHP ?

php first name was personal home page, latter it changed to Hypertext Preprocessor. php is server side scripting language which is based on c language which is invented by  Rasmus Lerdorfphp is world most populer langauge.

How can i install php ?

If you want to install php in your computer you need to install 
xampp or wamp server both link are given below 

xampp - > click here 
Wamp server -> click here 

but i prefer you to use xampp because it will not ask you to install c++ software but if you want to install wamp server then you should install first Microsoft c++ packages you can install it form here

which is best editor for php ? 

There are lots of editor for php, I suggest you to use sublime Text, and there are other editor like notepad++ which is also good, Atom, Netbeans, visual studio code(Best for html coding)

In our next chapter we are starting php..   

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